Security Awareness Training
for Remote Workers

Remote Work Training Program
Remote work presents a unique set of security and privacy risks for organizations. Safeguards that organizations have for on-site workers are often diminished for remote workers, shifting responsibilities to the remote worker. Employees must be trained to understand the additional risks that they will face when working remotely, as well as the responsibilities they must undertake. Security and privacy risks are even further elevated during times of disaster like the coronavirus pandemic when employees are stressed and rushed, leading them to make poor security decisions or be even more susceptible to phishing.
You can rely on Security Mentor's proven methodology and security awareness training experts to deliver a comprehensive curriculum of lessons that will teach your employees about the unique security risks and threats they will face when working remotely. Our PhishDefense Phishing Simulator sends phishing tests to your employees, including remote work scams, training them to recognize and avoid phishing attacks.
Remote Work Training Program - Basic
Our Remote Work Basic curriculum quickly trains employees on six critical security awareness topics that they need to be secure when working remotely, as well as the PhishDefense phishing simulation service.
- Working Remotely
- Computer Security
- Public WiFi
- Information Protection
- Phishing
- Internet of Things
Remote Work Training Program - Essentials
Our Remote Work Essentials curriculum includes all the offerings in our Remote Working Basic Training Program, plus six additional lessons delivering a robust curriculum for your employees’ training.
- Working Remotely
- Computer Security
- Public WiFi
- Information Protection
- Phishing
- Internet of Things
- Mobile Security
- Office Security
- Passwords
- Web Security
- Reporting Incidents
- Safe Disposal
All Remote Working Training Programs include the PhishDefense Phishing Simulator. Our phishing simulation service has an extensive phishing email template library including templates on coronavirus and COVID-19, as well as ones targeting remote workers, ensuring that we train your staff to avoid attacks that cyber criminals are currently employing. In addition, the Enterprise package includes Security Awareness Policy Tracking & Compliance, where you can upload your policies to our Security Awareness Training Platform, ensuring your tele-working staff read and conform to your remote work security policies.
These targeted training programs are offered with any of our Security Awareness Training Packages, the Features/Options will vary based on the package selected.